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Posts published in July 2014

Secretary of State Gant Calls Candidate Myers Names

Scott Ehrisman notices the latest evidence of Jason Gant's unfitness for the office of Secretary of State. In response to Independent gubernatorial candidate Mike Myers's claim that Secretary Gant is using his office to advance partisan interests, Secretary Gant snorts…

Noem Votes to Sue President, Desires Coup by Judiciary

Let's see: can't fix the Highway Trust Fund, can't fully fund a veterans health care bill, can't provide child immigrants with basic due process... but with the five-week summer recess just hours away, our Congresswoman Kristi Noem finds time to…

Dem Poll Shows Rounds 34%, Weiland 24%, Pressler 10%, Undecided 29%

Along with a pair of nifty ads, U.S. Senate candidate Rick Weiland also released a poll which celebrates the fact that he's five points behind Undecided and ten points behind Mike Rounds. Go ahead, Republican readers, laugh it up. I'll…

Weiland Releases “Incredibly Fast” Ads

Kevin Woster thinks Rick Weiland's new 15-second ads hit the mark. "In 15 seconds, Rick Weiland engages in ways that many much-longer political ads don’t," says Woster. "He’s having fun. Getting his message acrosss. Quickly." Weiland takes an apt swipe…

What Do Tom and Stephanie Owe the Democrats? Who Leads the SDDP?

Republican John Tsitrian digs America's two-party system. He thinks three or more parties make a paralyzing muddle, but he thinks one-party rule is even worse. Tsitrian thinks South Dakota labors under harmful one-party rule. He blames, in part, the abdicant…