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Posts published in July 2014

Roll Call: Rounds Memo Says Pressler Dooms Weiland

Never mind that RNC robocall; Team Rounds thinks they have the Senate race in the bag. Why else would they leak numbers to Roll Call showing that Pressler is sapping Weiland's Democratic support? According to a Rounds campaign memo obtained…

RC Doctor Hosts Robinson Fundraiser Friday

Corinna Robinson is working to reverse that downward Q2 fundraising trend. The Democratic candidate for House is speaking at a fundraiser tomorrow (Friday) evening at the Rapid City home of Dr. Nancy Babbitt and Steve Babbitt. Team Robinson staffer Valerie…

Brookings Councilman Bezdichek: Ban Plastic Bags! Powers: “Nanny State!”

Brookings city councilman Tom Bezdichek would like to ban single-use plastic shopping bags. Pat Powers screams "Nanny state! Nanny state!" Seattle, San Francisco, and D.C. have banned plastic shopping bags. Chicago is implementing a partial plastic-bag ban. New York City…

Azarga/Powertech Withhold Info from Investors; Lack In-Situ Leach Experience

My friends at are going to have to change their name. Hong Kong-based but British Virgin Islands-incorporated Azarga Resources is finalizing its takeover of the Canadian Powertech, the company that wants conduct in-situ leach mining for uranium in the…

One Guy Balks at $21/Year Insurance, May Cause Millions to Pay More

We now present Halbig v. Burwell, the court challenge by which two D.C. Court of Appeals judges would destroy the Affordable Care Act, thanks to one selfish dolt. First, let's understand the grounds for the ruling. The plaintiffs don't like…