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Posts published in July 2014

RNC Robocalling SD Dems to Tie Weiland to Obama and Reid?

A friend of the blog calls to express her annoyance and puzzlement at being pestered by the Republican National Committee at home today. My correspondent reports receiving a 35-second robocall this morning from some outfit with the words American, research,…

Weiland Campaign Releases Official “Bring on the Road” Video

Last month, Toby Uecker brought you the debut of Rick Weiland's newest campaign song, "Bring on the Road," as performed live on the shore of Lake Madison at the home of Jeff and Trudi Nelson. Now the Democratic candidate for…

Spearfish 7th Best Small Town in America, Says Livability screws up royally in ranking Spearfish the seventh best small town in America. They should, of course, rank Spearfish #1! What makes Spearfish so great in Livability's eyes and mine? Downtown commerce and entertainment The Matthews Opera House The…

Chad Haber: “The Haitian Bill Janklow”

In discussing the relative merits of potential Libertarian candidates for attorney general, my Libertarian neighbor Bob Newland has noted that Republicans have selected candidates for that office whom he finds extremely objectionable, like Bill Janklow. I remind Newland and his…

Gant Refuses to Replace Collier with Hubbel on Indy Lt. Gov. Ballot

Secretary of State Jason Gant has refused to place Lora Hubbel on the November ballot. Yesterday Hubbel received a letter from Secretary Gant, dated July 18, stating that there is no statutory mechanism by which his office can accept Hubbel's…

Elizabeth Warren Offers Eleven Easy Principles for Progressives

I may agree with 52% of the Libertarian platform, but I'm in 99.5% agreement with Senator Elizabeth Warren's progressive principles, which she offered Friday, July 18, at Netroots Nation in Detroit. Let's do some line by line! 1. "We believe…