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Bloomberg Covers SD Senate Race: Weiland Stirs Passion, Rounds Forces Smile

Rick Weiland wins more pretty good national press. Bloomberg sends filmmaker Griffin Hammond to shoot this lovely five-and-a-half-minute snapshot of the South Dakota Senate race. The video revolves around the stirring Weiland narrative. On the side, it shows Pressler as the earnest Independent, Howie as the typical Tea Partier, and Rounds, the once frontrunner, as, well, smiley but unexceptional and uninspiring.

"From Peever to Pukwana to Pringle"—that should be the header on every Weiland ad, letter, banner, and bumper sticker.


  1. Mike B 2014.10.18

    Turn on the news on any of the local channels and all you see and hear is another political ad, back to back to back, attacking the other guy.

    This is exactly what they will do in Washington.

  2. Bill Fleming 2014.10.18

    Great report. Best I've seen from the national front to date.

  3. Roger Cornelius 2014.10.18

    Sean Sullivan of The Washington Post did an expose on the South Dakota senate race and how the Mike Rounds EB-5 Scandal is suddenly at the center of the race.
    It was a good article and I'm my friend Larry can find it and post it.

  4. Bill Fleming 2014.10.18

    Just got done taking a phone poll. Very thorough, (live interviewer)just a quick question on House race (asked which party, no names) but extremely detailed on Senate race with a couple of message testing questions at the end. Also asked some "top of mind, fill-in-the-blanks" questions. Hope it was a public poll so we get to see the results. Very interesting survey technique. Interviewers accent was a little distracting, and she didn't know how to pronounce "Weiland" but I straightened her out. LOL

  5. larry kurtz 2014.10.18

    Maybe Argus/KELO, Bill: it's underway according Patrick Lalley.

  6. Rebecca Froehlich 2014.10.19

    Considering a lot of the national media attention about the South Dakota race has been a bit mocking ("quirky" seems to be a favorite word), this report was a good change of pace. Also, it was nicely done in general - Griffin Hammond is putting his skills to work.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.10.19

    Rebecca, I was intrigued by the effort Hammond put into that video. I assume it took more effort to compose that piece (background music and everything!) than to put together a straight-up news piece.

    Curious, with all those cinematographic touches, is it news, or is it art?

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