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Posts published in November 2014

Low Turnout Lowers Petition Signature Requirements

I've spent a good part of this week making lemonade from the lemons the midterms handed us. Have another glass: South Dakota voters turned out in paltry numbers Tuesday. That's a symptom of weakening democracy. But that low turnout offers…

Keystone XL Won’t Change Rail Investment in Hauling Oil

Senator-Elect Mike Rounds based his campaign on a series of laughable lies, including the claim that building the Keystone XL pipeline will drive trains to every farmer's doorstep to haul away their grain. Would you believe the railroads themselves don't…

South Dakota Midterm Turnout 54%, Lowest in 20 Years

Multiple readers have asked about voter turnout in the midterm election. South Dakota's unofficial turnout Tuesday was 54.17%, the lowest for any general election in the last 22 years. The average turnout for midterm elections since 1994, not counting this…

Rick Weiland: No Retreat, No Surrender

And what does Rick Weiland have to say about the outcome of the election? No retreat, no surrender: While we came up short of our ultimate destination last night, I couldn’t be more proud of the race we ran and…

Most Popular Republican in South Dakota: Marty Jackley

Keep your new day job, Shantel. If South Dakota's election results have any bearing on the hotly anticipated 2018 gubernatorial contest, Marty's got you beat by over 30%. Now that Minnehaha County Auditor Bob Litz is finally done wiping the…

South Dakota Democrats: How We Lost 2014, How We Win 2016

The GOP spin machine, not content to simply celebrate victory, spikes the ball in our faces by hurling false insults my way. Pat Powers tells his giddy readers that I have nothing to say about the election. Really, Pat? Really?…