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Posts published in November 2014

Weiland a Threat to Reid’s EB-5 Favors?

I remain puzzled by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's persistent and petty denigration of Democrat Rick Weiland's U.S. Senate campaign. In the crazy world of connection between everything, could it be that Harry Reid feels some strange kinship with Republican…

Pressler Wins Endorsement of South Dakota’s Biggest Paper

Larry Pressler. Larry Pressler. It's November 2014. A mid-term election happens in three days. Why on earth am I talking about Larry Pressler? Because Larry Pressler just won the endorsement of the biggest newspaper in South Dakota. The editorial board…

Trick or Treat! Regents Release Darley Documents

I reported Thursday that arbitrator Robert Baines's rejection of any claims for legal fees in Darley v SDIBI knocked the legs out from any excuse the Board of Regents had for not sharing the arbitration documents with the public. The…