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Posts published in November 2014

South Dakota Shifts Cost of Higher Education to Students in Debt

South Dakota Republicans brag about their budget-balancing prowess. They don't like being reminded that they are balancing the budget by shifting burdens onto private citizens. Consider higher education. South Dakota is part of a national trend in which states are…

New Group Forming to Boost Local and Legislative Democrats

Can we all just get along? Sixteen people (fourteen in the room, two on the phone) met in Rapid City Saturday to talk about how to elect more Democrats. These citizens discussed how to organize a quadfecta of political action…

SDDP Exec Crago Speaks Friday on Direction of Democratic Party

The Democratic Forum of Sioux Falls (which sponsors this blog—thank you, friends!) hosts what could be a newsworthy program this Friday. Zach Crago, executive director of the South Dakota Democratic Party, will deliver what I believe will be his first…

Ehrisman Seeks Minnehaha County Commission Seat; No Need to Stop Blogging!

Fellow South Dakota blogger Scott Ehrisman is seeking appointment to the Minnehaha County Commission. Commissioner John Pekas won election as Second Circuit judge this month, so the county needs someone to fill his term through 2016. Ehrisman offers the commission…

St. Joseph’s Indian School Uses Fake Children to Raise Money

Hmm... did Annette Bosworth get a job writing fundraising letters for St. Joseph Indian School? Dr. Bosworth is now marketing example #1 that Base Connect uses to tout its political fundraising potential. On a webpage titled "Nuts & Bolts" (you…

Thune Climate Comment Hints Presidential; Weiland Vows Left-Tea Fight?

John Thune is running for President. How else can we explain our soon-to-be-senior Senator's seemingly sensible statement on climate change on Fox News Sunday? Asked about the overwhelming agreement among experts on the cause and trajectory of global warming, Thune…