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Posts published in November 2014

Can SD Dems Find a Leader Like Warren?

An eager reader insists that I'm leading my Dems astray encouraging a leftward, liberal shift. I maintain that I'm just urging Democrats to be Democrats. I'm telling them to pick for party chair a real progressive populist—a bridge-builder, not a…

Curious Retraction: Jeff Sveen Not Joop Bollen’s Partner

Four weeks ago, Denise Ross posted a stunning article in the Mitchell Daily Republic that put then-Governor Mike Rounds in the room in 2009 with key players in the EB-5/Northern Beef Packers/Epoch Star financing scheme. That statement called into question…

ACA Exchange Premiums Going Up; Shoppers and South Dakotans Can Save

As the federal health insurance exchange launches its open enrollment period, the New York Times reports that the private insurers participating in the exchange may be jacking up their rates by as much as 20%. Policyholders wanting to keep their…

House Passes Keystone XL Bill on Same Old Jobs Lies

Rep. Kristi Noem voted today to support the House's unconstitutional effort to violate the separation of powers and tell TransCanada it can build the Keystone XL pipeline without the approval of the President of the United States. Rep. Noem is…

Obama Not Conceited, Not Failing, Maybe Not Democrat

Country music singer Merle Haggard says that, contrary to popular conserva-blather, President Barack Obama is not arrogant or conceited. Of course, President Obama could get a big head, considering all of his policy achievements. Joe Lowe and I have done…