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Posts published in “South Dakota”

State Budget Cuts Sandbag Economy… But SD Has Biggest Reserves!

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities finds state budget cuts doing unnecessary harm to education, health care, and the economy. (I will be trying to boost my personal economy by seeking trademark on the term "Daugaard recession.") Out of…

Governor Reverses Charity Sales Tax Stance, Delays Enforcement

As noted yesterday, a newly rediscovered state statute that requires churches to pay sales tax on charity food distributions initially drew a hands-off approach from Governor Dennis Daugaard: In a response letter, Daugaard said that to grant the exemption in…

Forest Service Seeks Public Input on Black Hills Pine Beetle Plan

MPBRP—that's the sound I made last night after eating salads made with bacon, sausage, and salami. MPBRP is also the Mountain Pine Beetle Response Project the Forest Service is proposing to take care of those pesky pine beetles in the…

Noem and Boehner Plan Minnehaha Country Club Breakfast August 18

Hey, South Dakota conservatives! Unhappy with Congresswoman Kristi Noem and her boss, Speaker John Boehner, over the really rotten and arguably unconstitutional debt deal they rushed through Congress this week? Here's your chance to give both Noem and Boehner a…

Potpourri: Gas Prices Deter Tourists, Not Janklow or U.S. Chamber

Once again, too many tabs clutter my browser top. Time to clear the queue! The South Dakota Department of Tourism published a new report on gas prices last week. From 22,830 self-selecting respondents, we learn that folks take 3.6 vacations…

Madison Sales Tax Revenues up 5%; Miss Statewide Mark of 9% Growth

The Madison Daily Leader reported on its print front page Tuesday that Madison's sales tax receipts increased 5% in Fiscal Year 2011. That's improvement over the last four years of mostly stagnant sales tax revenues in Madison. Expect Lake Area…