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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Three Clinics Register to Provide South Dakota’s Coercive Abortion Propaganda

Three South Dakota "crisis pregnancy centers" have registered to provide incomplete and misleading information to women considering abortions under South Dakota's new coercive and punitive counseling law, which takes effect Friday*. The first CPCs to register are Leslee Unruh's Alpha…

Tribe President Wants No Reservation Unions; Noem Dodges Question

Congresswoman Kristi Noem's effort to hamstring unions on Indian reservations has at least one powerful supporter on the rez: Noem said that tribal leaders around the country support her bill, and at least one South Dakota tribal leader backed her…

Feds Fund South Dakota Broadband Map

South Dakota has launched a statewide broadband mapping project, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The new site,, has cool interactive features allowing citizens to submit data on local Wi-Fi spots and test their own…

Flooding Caused by Army Corps, Liberals… or Rain?

The right-wing noise machine is ramping up its effort to prop up its failing worldview with the Missouri River flooding. Right-wing blogs are moving beyond citing these floods as evidence of government's inherent ineptitude to assert that the floods result…

Turn Rail to Bike Trail from Kadoka to Rapid City: Yeeha!

(Patience: just like the someday-trail from Kadoka, this story goes somewhere!) A couple bicyclists from Southern Nazarene University are riding across America this summer, from the Big Apple to Portland, Oregon. See their trip blog here. They are riding across…

South Dakota Q1 Income Growth Second-Lowest in U.S.

South Dakotans made made more money in the first three months of this year, but not much. New Bureau of Economic Analysis data says South Dakota's state personal income increased by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2011 compared to…

Jackley and Obama: Extension Service Cuts Legal

In May, State Representative Frank Kloucek and Democratic colleagues requested an official attorney general's opinion on the cuts to the state's Cooperative Extension Service. Specifically, Rep. Kloucek et al. argued that the Extension cuts violate the 1862 Morrill Land Grant…