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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Punishment for Considering Abortion: Pushing Lies of Fake Clinics

Why do supporters of South Dakota's atrocious new abortion law, HB 1217, keep lying to us that the bill is just about informing women? Because lying is par for the course in the War on Women. To understand, please, please,…

Vote Now: Grade the South Dakota Legislature!

The South Dakota Legislature called sine die yesterday: let's do a poll! The latest Madville Times poll asks "Overall, how would you rate the performance of the 2011 South Dakota Legislature?" Your five options in the near-right sidebar: Best I've…

Get Green for College: Edie Scholarship Available!

Hey, South Dakota college juniors and seniors! Is your tuition going up next year? (Answer: yes.) Then you should apply for the Esther Edie Memorial Scholarship. This isn't just green, it's green green! The South Dakota Resources Coalition has established…

South Dakota Population Growth Fastest in Midwest

The Census Bureau's "Population Distribution and Change: 2000 to 2010" brief offers some nummy numerical nuggets: South Dakota's 7.9% population growth during the first decade of this millennium was the highest growth rate among all Midwestern states. Minnesota had been…

Chiropractors to Straighten out Legislature on Veto Day

Apparently the only folks bent out of shape this fine Veto Day are South Dakota's chiropractors. On what promises to be an otherwise quick and quiet final day of the 2011 Legislative session, chiropractors heading to Pierre by the busload…

All for the Best: Plutocracy Reigns

Here's weekend rich guys report: The Displaced Plainsman finds us redistributing wealth up the ladder to General Electric, which made $5.1 billion from U.S. operations alone in 2010 but paid no income tax. Among other lessons to be drawn, my…

K-12 Education Cuts: Teachers and Kids Get Whacked

An eager reader from Vermillion sends me this odd artifact of an electronic age: a photo of a TV broadcast of a PowerPoint slide outlining the Vermillion School District's proposed budget cuts, courtesy of the atrocious state budget passed by…