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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Hyperion Can’t Count, Lowballs Pollution by Half

I hear on SDPB and read on KELO this morning that Hyperion was a little off in its pollution estimates on its proposed Elk Point refinery when it applied for a South Dakota air quality permit. By half: Hyperion Resources…

Adelstein: Powers Not Fit for Sec. State Flunky

Senator Adelstein gets double attention this morning. On Mount Blogmore, the Rapid City Republican raises some grave concerns about the patronage that has killed Dakota War College and elevated Pat Powers to director of operations for the Secretary of State.…

Adelstein on Balancing Budget: Raise Sales Tax

Good grief: if Dakota War College keeps slacking off, will I have to start getting my news from Gordon Howie's wingnut blog? That's scary... but it's the case this morning. In a public discussion attended by hardcore Black Hills Tea-o-crat…

Madison Central Violating State Election Law?

The more I think about Madison Central School District's proposed early voting scheme, the more uneasy I get. Beyond creating the awkwardness of voting on a new gym while surrounded by maroon-clad Bulldog basketball fans, the school district may be…

Washington Insiders Making Kristi Noem One of Them

Screen cap, Washington Post front page, 2010.12.15. Dang: I usually love it when South Dakota makes the papers. Hat tip to Dr. Newquist! Monday I noted some out-state bloggers seeing through Kristi Noem's Tea Party image. Now a more prominent…

Five Narrow Lanes Cause No Uptick in Madison Highway 34 Accidents

Uncle! Uncle! I raised a fuss when the city decided to restripe Highway 34 through Madison into four skinny driving lanes and a center left-turn lane. Madville Times readers gave the new stripes a hard thumbs-down when they changed the…

Snowgates Demonstrate Practical Wisdom of Public Services

Mr. Ehrisman's passionate advocacy of snowgates and our weekend winter wonderland got me wondering why Madison's public works department doesn't use snowgates. My dad, a font of local wisdom, tells me that Madison once upon a time did install snowgates.…