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Posts published in “South Dakota”

South Dakota Shows Extremes in Poverty, Income

I suppose I shouldn't get too excited about South Dakota's supposedly growing wealth. GDP growth be darned, South Dakota is still home to the most impoverished county in the United States. Take a look at the data from the U.S.…

Referral Petitions Circulating on Lake County Zoning Ordinance

The Lake County Commission passed its lengthy zoning ordinance update on Tuesday. Already, county residents are circulating petitions to put the revisions to a vote. An eager reader says my friend and Madison resident Paul Nordaune just came by asking…

Lobbyist to Manage Noem

Hat tip to South DaCola and to commenter Dr. Weiland, who pointed this out in my comment section yesterday: Think Progress lists 13 GOP Congressional freshmen who have picked lobbyists to handle them in Washington. Among them, South Dakota's own…

Uncle Sam Promises $54 Million Boost for SD Universities FY2012

Please tell me Kristi Noem and John Thune won't send this money back: Governor Rounds's budget proposal has Uncle Sam giving $54 million more to South Dakota's public university system in Fiscal Year 2012. That increase is part of $248…

TransCanada Digging Up Keystone Pipeline, Checking for "Anomalies"

That Sioux Falls paper reports that TransCanada is digging up six 120-foot stretches of the Keystone I pipeline here in South Dakota, three sites in Nebraska, and one in Missouri. TransCanada reports "anomalies" in the pipeline: During a November inspection…

Proposed Education Cuts Bad for South Dakota: Who Should Pay?

What's wrong with Governor Rounds's proposed budget for education? Aside from the usual GOP view of education as expense rather than investment and a determination to cheat our kids of educational opportunities, plenty: While kids get a 5% cut, administration…

South Dakota Cost of Living Spikes Above US Average

Here's news to straighten your curls: South Dakota's cost of living is higher than the national average. Say what? The last time I ran numbers on cost of living and salaries, I found that in Quarter 1 of this year,…