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Posts published in “world”

French Socialists Point to Proper Role of State in Marriage: None!

Vive la France! Vive la différence! France swore in an honest-to-goodness Socialist as its president last week. But if President François Hollande's socialism gets you all wound up, wait until you check out his marital status: he's living in sin!…

Be Happy in Your Hardhat: Bike to Work!

Since 2007, the Hungarian government has promoted the Bike to Work (Bringázz a Munkába) program. Here's one of their delightful TV ads: Put on the hardhat of your choice and ride!

Unemployment Quiz: How Does U.S. Jobless Rate Compare Internationally?

Hat tip to Mark Thoma! Quick breakfast quiz: Which of the following countries has the highest unemployment rate? And which has the lowest? United States Australia Canada France Germany Italy Japan Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom According to the latest Bureau…

North America Heading for Energy Independence; Keystone XL Serves China

The State Department's report to Congress on its decision to deny TransCanada its permit for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline makes clear that nixing this pipeline now "is unlikely to have a substantial impact on U.S. employment, economic activity,…

“Becoming More Like Europe”: Romney Right-Pander, Good Policy Goal

Mitt Romney's campaign slogan, as repeated for the umpteenth time in last night's New Hampshire debate, is, "We're becoming more like Europe!" On so many fronts, one can only wish that were true. Former Madison, Wisconsin, mayor Dave Cieslewicz explains…

Václav Havel, Moral Leadership, Iran, and Ron Paul

Playwright and president—wait. Hear those words together. Czech playwright and president Václav Havel died last night. Communists—not the bullshit bogeymen some Americans see behind every perceived slight against their selfish desires, but real Communists, the kind with tanks and guns…