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Olson’s Economic Development Myopia: Handouts over Investments

I heard Senator Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) whining on Statehouse last night about losing economic development opportunities to other states. Yesterday, Senate State Affairs, of which Olson is vice-chair, discussed HB 1230, Governor Daugaard's permanent economic development fund. Senator Olson spoke…

Drink Your Tears: GOP Keeps Madison Dry

Just so we're clear: All you Republicans in Madison cheering for John Thune and Kristi Noem only have yourselves to blame for not getting the Lewis and Clark Regional Water hookup. Just like the Lake Area Improvement Corporation, Madison has…

Muslims, Democracy, and Madison’s Bigotry

Bigotry check, everyone! The following "joke" has been circulating on various conservative fora. Madison City Commissioner Nick Abraham posted it on his Facebook wall yesterday. This morning the Muslim Brotherhood warned the United States that if United States meddling in…

Census 2010: Madison Loses 1%, Brookings Gains 19%

The Rapid City Journal offers an interactive map of the newly released Census 2010 data for South Dakota. Our fair state's population grew 7.9% over the past decade, to 814,180. Unfortunately, Lake County didn't share in that growth: our official…

Merry Pink Slip! Local Jobs Disappear for Christmas

The December job numbers for Lake County and neighbors brought little holiday cheer. The following table shows job numbers for each county for December, 2010, followed by the monthly and yearly change for each county: County Period Workers Jobs Unemployed…

Russell Olson’s Chamber Goal: Increase Madison Sales 58%

According to the Madison Chamber of Commerce Janaury newsletter, Senator Russell Olson has joined the Chamber board. Olson says his goals while serving on the board are to increase membership and retention and to "have Madison's sales tax revenue grow…

Daugaard Budget Cuts $552K from Madison Schools

Here's some quick local perspective on Governor Dennis Daugaard's proposed 10% cut in the state budget. Now note, as Governor Daugaard said during his budget address this afternoon, a 10% cut in state aid to K-12 education translates into just…

Thune Predicts “Rifle Shots” at Health Care Law

Tone-deaf political comment of the day comes from Senator John Thune, who delivered the keynote address at the LAIC's dog-and-phony show here today in Madison. Discussing dim prospects for repeal of health care reform, Senator Thune said, Absent repealing it…