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Madison Debt, Utility Rates Hamstring Economic Development

My neighbor Jerry Heckenliable spoke at the Madison City Commission meeting Monday night. Neither KJAM nor the Madison Daily Leader felt his comments warranted coverage. A conversation with Mr. Heckenliable persuades me that his comments do warrant coverage. Mr. Heckenliable…

Pay the Poor: Good Results in Brazil and Mexico

Why, oh why would any decent citizen support redistributing income? It's socialism! It's fostering dependency of the poor! It's... it's... ...staggeringly successful at fighting income inequality, poverty, illiteracy, and disease. In 40 countries, conditional cash transfer programs give money to…

Lake County Unemployment Rises: 13 Months to Create 850 Jobs

That darned Madison Daily Leader beat me to the local unemployment numbers for November! According to the South Dakota Department of Labor, Lake County saw unemployment rise in the run-up to the holidays, from 4.6% in October to 5.0% in…

Save Big (Local Economic Development) Money at Menards…

Speaking of "reasons to go out of town for almost everything"... Construction proceeds on new Secure Banking Solutions building, Schaefer Plaza, Madison, SD, 2010.12.06 Some hardy fellows were out in yesterday's cold working on the new Secure Banking Solutions building…