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Candidate Abraham Challenges LAIC, Boosts Main Street, Talks to Voters

Incumbent Madison city commissioner Nick Abraham gets the last of five candidate profiles in the Madison Daily Leader. He says just enough of the right things to make me feel comfortable with my Madison neighbors re-electing him tomorrow. Commissioner Abraham…

Job Opening: LAIC Executive Director! Apply by March 31!

KJAM lets us know that the Lake Area Improvement Corporation has posted the opening for its executive director position. The last LAIC exec, Dwaine Chapel, once told me that his job was, basically, to fix Madison. Having utterly failed, Chapel…

Dwaine Chapel Leaves LAIC for Better Job in Brookings

Oh, and SDSU and Brookings were doing so well... Dwaine Chapel has resigned from the executive directorship of the Lake Area Improvement Corporation. Chapel is leaving one of the few six-figure salaries in Madison to work where he lives, in…

Allen Sees Conflict of Interest for City Commissioners on LAIC Handouts

...and you can see and Feel the Surge(!!!) of the "Forward Madison 2" launch... My neighbor Ashley Kenneth Allen attended the Lake Area Improvement Corporation's dog and pony show promoting its "Forward Madison 2" economic development initiative, which is counting…

LAIC to Pitch Fleecing Madison Again at Monday City Commission Meeting

Brace yourselves: Dwaine Chapel will mumble more dispassionate gobbledygook to the Madison City Commission Monday night in the ongoing effort to redistribute wealth from Madison's taxpayers to Madison's business elites. The LAIC exec comes before the commission to pitch Forward…

LAIC Embarrasses Madison with Baseless Claims of Success

The Lake Area Improvement Corporation commissions former Madison resident, now Prairie Business editor Alan Van Ormer to write more propaganda for Madison's business "leaders." The result so doggedly rejects logic, so blatantly denies reality, so unashamedly whimpers and lies about…

LAIC Still Fails to Follow Law, Throws out Meaningless Numbers

Well, at least the LAIC is trying... sort of. Last week I reported that the Lake Area Improvement Corporation, the super-secret cabal of Madison leaders paying a Brookings resident over $100,000 a year to pretend to do economic development, has…