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TransCanada Pipeline Spills Cause for Caution on Keystone XL

Heather Libby and Emma Pullman turn my list of TransCanada's first-year Keystone spills into a lovely poster: This graphic does not depict the 21 leaks Keystone I had on Canadian soil. Libby and Pullman do question how the U.S. State…

Big Oil Front Group Hosts Pro-Keystone XL Meeting in Pierre January 27

Oh look: free breakfast and baloney from oil industry shills: Consumer Group to host South Dakota Pipeline Safety Breakfast Industry experts to converge in Pierre, South Dakota to discuss critical safety issues surrounding the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline…

WaPo: Keystone XL Climate Change Risk and Economic Benefits Overblown

The Washington Post editorial board says opponents and supporters of the Keystone XL pipeline are all exaggerating: Despite what you might have heard, the pipeline wouldn’t kill the planet, nor would it supercharge the economy. You don’t have to take…

Noem Votes For Keystone XL Again, Nebraska Court Fails to Block

Yesterday Rep. Kristi Noem and the U.S. House voted for the tenth time to usurp executive authority and force immediate federal approval of the Canadian tar sands pipeline and eminent domain land grab known as Keystone XL. Rep. Noem retreads…

Keystone XL Opponents to Rally at PUC Hearing in Capitol Tuesday

Session doesn't start until January 13, but dedicated citizens will be heating up the Capitol next week with a rally against the Keystone XL pipeline. Oceti Rising and Dakota Rural Action are holding a #NoKXL Rally on Tuesday, January 6.…