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Fundie Foes of Freedom Foist Fag Phobia

Bob Ellis returns to writing about real South Dakota politics... but alas! He does so only to peddle hate, deception, and his persecution complex. Ellis crows about the pink flyer being circulated by his fellow fundagelicals to damage Ritchie Nordstrom's…

Hungary, Russia Threaten Blog Freedom

There are no signs yet that the 2011 South Dakota Legislature will revisit the ill-conceived Blog Control Acts that died in the 2010 session. I suggest our legislators not touch any other legislation until they have a working budget in…

HB 1220 Resurrects Effort to Cloak Discrimination and Bullying in Religion

Read House Bill 1220, and you might think you're just reading a redundant, mostly harmless restatement of freedom of religion. Representative and Pastor (red flag) Scott Craig (R-33/Rapid City) and a bunch of other conservative Republicans (warning) wrap some definitions…

BBC Profiles Karen Workers at Huron Turkey Plant

It's –7°F in Huron this morning. Who'd give up tropical sunshine for weather like that? Political refugees from Burma/Myanmar, that's who. The Karen people are an ethnic group from Southeast Asia. About 50,000 have come to America to escape political…