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Franken Faults Focus on the Family for Flubbing Child Welfare Study

Don't try to fool Senator Al Franken. Christian theocracy group Focus on the Family tried that, and it didn't work. Before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family's political wing tried to persuade senators that…

Ron Paul Recognizes Proper Role of Civilian Commander in Chief

Ms. Flint sparks my interest by pointing out the following statement from Congressman Ron Paul in Monday night's GOP Presidential candidates' forum. Rep. Paul was responding to a question (and Mitt Romney's response) on pulling our troops out of Afghanistan:…

Nordstrom Wins, Homophobia Doesn’t

Congratulations to Ritchie Nordstrom for coming out as the top vote-getter in Rapid City's Ward 2 City Council election yesterday. He faces a run-off in two weeks against incumbent and second-place finisher Deb Hadcock. Whichever way the run-off goes, Nordstrom…

Zachary Miller: Oral Interper, Gay Man, Righteous Dude

Zachary Miller is an 18-year-old graduate of Sioux Falls Lincoln High School. He's representing South Dakota in dramatic oral interpretation at the National Forensic League tournament in Dallas next week. He's gay. His radical homosexual agenda (you know, the one…

Fundie Foes of Freedom Foist Fag Phobia

Bob Ellis returns to writing about real South Dakota politics... but alas! He does so only to peddle hate, deception, and his persecution complex. Ellis crows about the pink flyer being circulated by his fellow fundagelicals to damage Ritchie Nordstrom's…

Sex Is a Right, Contra Christian Hypocrites

The night time is the right time... I generally avoid Bob Ellis's "Dakota" Voice in part because it is not a "Dakota Voice." Ellis's regurgitations of Tea Party talking points could come from anywhere. With nothing original to say, he…

South Dakota Gay Marriage Ban Not Protecting Sanctity of Matrimony

And now for some breakfast-time abuse of statistics: Nathan Johnson mentions that fewer South Dakotans are getting married while more are getting divorced. According to the South Department of Health 2009 Vital Statistics Report, in 2006, there were 6303 marriages…

Madison Considers Pit Bull Restrictions, Insurance Mandate

One snarky mention of the comparative risks of mixed martial arts events and pit bulls roused a blogstorm of comments from pit bull owners earlier this week. Pit bull lovers, rain down your rage on Madison. Following one (one) pit…