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Posts tagged as “abortion”

Women and Children Last: Abortion Restrictions Correlate with Worse Health

Anti-abortion crusaders are more concerned about political grandstanding than women's health outcomes. The Center for Reproductive Rights finds that states where such anti-abortion sentiments prevail in policymaking tend to have worse health outcomes for women and children. Now the study…

SD Right to Life Ridicules Haber Candidacy as “Vindictive Grudge Match”

Two of South Dakota's most putrescent political creatures are showing signs of improving mental health. Pat Powers continues to make progress recovering from his misguided affection for Chad Haber and Annette Bosworth. Today, Powers cheers South Dakota Right to Life's…

Lowe on Abortion: Repeal Mandatory PHC Visit, 72-Hour Waiting Period

Readers have asked where Democratic gubernatorial candidates Joe Lowe and Susan Wismer stand on women's reproductive rights. Bob Mercer gives us some insight on that issue by asking Lowe and Wismer what one abortion-related law they would pass, repeal, or…

We Are All Pro-Life; Policy Disagreement is Not Lying

Hey, Pat! Spencer! I'm pro-life. Want to call me a liar? Dakota War College exudes its distaste for Rep. Kathy Tyler (D-4/Big Stone City) and for truth by running two columns calling her a liar who wants to kill disabled…