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Posts tagged as “abortion”

Kephart Talks 2008 Primary, SDGOP Abortion Politics

First installment in a several-part series! With a juicy GOP Senate primary on tap, I thought it might be instructive for candidates and voters alike to talk to Sam Kephart about his experience running in the 2008 GOP Senate primary…

Daugaard, Mork Abort Skydive

Governor Dennis Daugaard came to Madison yesterday to skydive with local Dairy Queen mogul DeLon Mork. The jump plane buzzed around Lake County (including a surveillance pass over Madville Times World Headquarters on the west side of Lake Herman) for…

Texas Troopers Take Tampons from Citizens at Legislature, Green-Light Guns

Margaret Atwood couldn't have written this, because it's too absurd to be believed. Facing vigorous public protest over the Texas Legislature's railroading of draconian abortion restrictions, Texas state troopers searched visitors to the Texas state capitol yesterday and confiscated tampons,…

Virginia Crisis Pregnancy Centers Peddle Myths about Abortion

Here in South Dakota, we celebrate liberty this week by taking away more of women's liberty to make their own health decisions. Yesterday, we expanded our already draconian restrictions on abortion by excluding holidays and weekends from the 72-hour waiting…

Texas Abortion-Ban Advocate Claims Rape Kits Are Abortion Procedures

Texas State Representative Jodie Laubenberg is promoting legislation that would ban all abortions after 20 weeks and shut down all but five of her state's abortion clinics. In floor debate Sunday night, this Republican legislator faced hard questions about whether…

Bosworth Hubby Misportrays Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative

Given Pat Powers's hypersensitivity to criticism of the Catholic Church and his fellow believers, he might want to give the self-flogging Bosworth for Senate campaign a little more scrutiny. In a May 18, 2013, blog post, Chad Haber tries to…

South Dakota Women, You Ignorant Sluts

...or so Governor Dennis Daugaard seems to be saying by signing HB 1237, the "Women can't think on weekends" law... today... on International Women's Day. Jennifer Aulwes of Planned Parenthood aptly captures the Governor's and South Dakota's moral failing: Today…