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Posts tagged as “Barack Obama”

President Obama Helps South Dakota Officials End No Child Left Behind

Mr. Dahle's pessimism be darned, Displaced Plainsman and Madville Times win! Well, sort of.... Validating a public policy position I've been advocating for years, President Barack Obama is getting the feds off South Dakota's back and making it possible for…

Ronald Reagan Endorses Obama/Buffett Tax Plan

When Saint Ronnie speaks, House Republicans listen, right? On this issue, Reagan apparently understood the difference between theory and practice.

Wayne LaPierre Refutes His Own NRA Propaganda

I learn from my Yankton neighbor that National Rifle Association boss Wayne LaPierre has admitted I'm right and he's a liar: President Barack Obama has protected and expanded gun rights. "[The Obama campaign] will say gun owners — they'll say…

Obama’s American Jobs Act Creates More Jobs than Keystone XL

Governor Dennis Daugaard and other Republicans tell us we should bend over and take the Keystone XL pipeline because it will bring lots of jobs and economic stimulus. The Department of State puts Keystone XL's job creation between 5000 and…

Obama’s Poll Numbers Bad; GOP Contenders’ Worse

The estimable Dr. Blanchard gets to dish out one of his pithier headlines in celebration of President Barack Obama's really bad poll numbers. Dakota War College's new and shadowy Bill Clay/Hans Grüber also finds the low Obama numbers trumpet-worthy. You…

Yes We Can Blame Bush for Deficit

President George W. Bush referred to his 2001 tax cuts as a "fiscal straitjacket for Congress." Alas, he never forced them to put it on. As President Barack Obama said last night, the Bush Administration and Congress put two wars…