One more Christmas present: we got our death panels! Or at least that's what the Palindrones (you know, the Teabags whose repetitious big lies sound as shrill and meaningless played forward or backwards) will be saying as soon as they…
Posts tagged as “Barack Obama”
Keep Fighting, Dems: Obama-GOP Tax Deal Entrenches Plutocracy
By caheidelberger on 2010.12.12
Dennis Kucinich is not planning to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012. Maybe we can draft Robert Reich, who justifies efforts Kucinich and other rowdy Dems may make to beat the Obama-GOP tax-rate deal into better shape: If the Democratic…
Obama-GOP Tax Deal Hands $360K to Richest 0.1%
By caheidelberger on 2010.12.08
Harvard's Dr. Mankiw mostly likes the tax deal between President Obama and the still-minority Republicans. He also points to some useful number-crunching from the Tax Policy Center that breaks down who gets what from extending the Bush tax cuts for…
Four More Years: No One Beating Obama
By caheidelberger on 2010.11.30
My neighbors at Dakota War College love to soothe their nerves with gentle cooing that Barack Obama will be a one-term president. While the conservative bloggarazzi revel in the President's low poll numbers, they ignore one key fact: his potential…