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Posts tagged as “Barack Obama”

Rounds Loves Federal Stimulus and Highway Dollars, Doesn’t Trust Obama

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Mike Rounds is telling the press that federal stimulus dollars made South Dakota highways better. Rounds is emphasizing that South Dakota needs big government because it depends on nearly $300 million dollars every year to…

RNC Robocalling SD Dems to Tie Weiland to Obama and Reid?

A friend of the blog calls to express her annoyance and puzzlement at being pestered by the Republican National Committee at home today. My correspondent reports receiving a 35-second robocall this morning from some outfit with the words American, research,…

America Tells Kids in Danger, “Get Off My Yard!”

The United States kicked 17 women and 21 children out of the country on Monday. It flew these illegal Central American immigrants to San Pedro Sula, Honduras. In the first five months of this year, over 2,000 unaccompanied child immigrants…

Impeachment Target Rejects South Dakota’s Request for FEMA Money

In our discussion of the various Obama outhouses, one of my commenters suggested that the next time Governor Dennis Daugaard and impeach-happy South Dakota Republicans came asking for disaster assistance, the President should respond, "'And how many outhouses would you…

Obama and the Outhouse: Racism? Political Expression? Crude Humor?

Golly, that July 4 parade float of President Barack Obama's someday library as an outhouse sure got some attention. Dan Peters and Todd Epp discussed it on KSOO this afternoon. The Nebraska Democratic Party says the float was among the…

Cold Pizza? Blame Obama, Says Dell Rapids School Food Service

Lunchtime Solutions Inc., the North Sioux City company that profits from the privatization of 42 school lunch programs, is catching heck from its Dell Rapids customers. The Dell Rapids school board renewed LSI's contract this month, but not without expressing…