Could Medicaid expansion happen this year? South Dakota has already given up two of the best years of the federal government's offer under the Affordable Care Act to cover most of the cost of putting 48,000 low-income South Dakotans on…
Posts tagged as “Bernie Hunhoff”
More bipartisan fun: Senator Bernie Hunhoff (D-18/Yankton) has recruited three Democratic colleagues (Sutton, Gibson, and Hawley) and four Republicans (Rampelberg, Deutsch, Hickey, and Wiik) to sponsor Senate Bill 123, which would prohibit employers from demanding access to current or prospective…
The South Dakota Legislature will debate the death penalty again this session. Democratic Senator Bernie Hunhoff (D-18/Yankton) and Republican Rep. Steve Hickey (R-9/Sioux Falls) lead a bipartisan team of sponsors on Senate Bill 121, which would remove death from the…
The Senate State Affairs Committee heard concerns from the American Civil Liberties Union this morning that the petition reform legislation working its way through Pierre may need some changes to protect ballot access for new political parties. In testimony on…
Democrat Bernie Hunhoff will have no truck with all this negative campaigning. However, he does have a truck... ...and an adorable granddaughter, or as Bernie describes her, "one of my very favorite constituents." Go ahead, try saying something negative about…
My post on the reformulation of the rules for funding the "Building South Dakota" economic development fund brought some instructive commentary from a couple of political figures in the know. First, Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (D-18/Yankton), a critic of the changed…
South Dakota turns 125 next year! Whoo-hoo! To organize quasquicentennial activities (activity #1: drilling South Dakotans on spelling and etymology of quasquicentennial), Governor Dennis Daugaard has appointed a nine-member 125th Anniversary of Statehood Commission. Members include Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (D-18/Yankton),…