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Posts tagged as “Bob Mercer”

Pure Pierre Snark: No Hearts Between Bob Mercer and Stace Nelson

Reporter Bob Mercer snarks out on Rep. Stace Nelson (R-19/Fulton) for invoking Mercer's name in defense of Nelson's proposed amendment to SB 235, the economic development omnibus bill: The amendment wasn’t even on the mark regarding my blog post, which…

Journalists Criticize South Dakota’s Closed Government

The Building South Dakota fund, our new Republican scheme of ineffective tax handouts to corporations wedded to a few sensible Democratic policies, is rolling toward passage. And our more attentive press people are p.o.'ed. Tom Lawrence says Senate Bill 235…

Mercer Falls for Noem Mind Trick; Varilek Doesn’t Embrace Obama Enough

Bob Mercer must have been gazing into Rep. Kristi Noem's ice-blue eyes. In Friday's Rapid Cit debate, Matt Varilek once again hammered Rep. Noem with honest observations about her poor performance in Washington, while South Dakota's lone Congresswoman once again…

Mercer Misreads Marking; More GOP Votes Will Swing to Varilek

Bob Mercer recycles an attempted headline and overstates the importance of B. Thomas Marking in South Dakota's 2010 Congressional race: Statewide, Marking did the best of any third-line candidate in a South Dakota election for U.S. House in more than…