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Posts tagged as “budget”

Propose State Budget January, Start Legislature February

Jon Hunter and I agree: the South Dakota State legislature starts too early and too slowly. State law requires the governor to submit a budget to the Legislature by the first Tuesday after the first Monday of December. The state…

Daugaard Budget Cuts $552K from Madison Schools

Here's some quick local perspective on Governor Dennis Daugaard's proposed 10% cut in the state budget. Now note, as Governor Daugaard said during his budget address this afternoon, a 10% cut in state aid to K-12 education translates into just…

Tax Increase Saves SD Unemployment Insurance

In ruling out tax increases as a remedy for our state budget deficit, Governor Dennis Daugaard has said that a recession is the worst time for raising taxes. I would agree that a recession makes it harder for workers and…

Daugaard to DC: Keep Sending Medicaid Money While We Cut Enrollees

Speaking of puzzling positions on government-supported health care, Governor Daugaard signed a letter to President Obama with 32 other GOP governors and govs-elect asking the feds to let states cut enrollment in Medicaid. Interestingly, the governors aren't trying to save…

GOP State-Local Schizophrenia on K-12 Budget Cuts

SDPB's Dakota Midday yesterday featured a conversation with state GOP exec Lucas Lentsch and Dems exec Ben Nesselhuf. Mr. Kurtz found the interview...well, one-sided. I also found cause for grief. Lentsch said that Republicans heard the voters telling them in…

Live Blog: Gov. Daugaard’s First State of the State Address!

Whoo-hoo! It's the State of the State Address! Governor Dennis Daugaard comes to the dais of the House for the first time to deliver this weighty tome. I'm watching on South Dakota Public Television---you should be too! You can also…

Republicans Hurt Construction Jobs, Stocks

Speaking of job-killing legislation: House Republicans — despite urging by Democrats, businesses and even members of their own party — didn't change some provisions in their rules package that could jeopardize transportation funding and building trades jobs. Democratic Reps. Joe…

Madison Debt, Utility Rates Hamstring Economic Development

My neighbor Jerry Heckenliable spoke at the Madison City Commission meeting Monday night. Neither KJAM nor the Madison Daily Leader felt his comments warranted coverage. A conversation with Mr. Heckenliable persuades me that his comments do warrant coverage. Mr. Heckenliable…