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Posts tagged as “Congress”

Gerrymandering Gives GOP Structural Advantage in U.S. House

We avoided the awkward spectacle of a President losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College. However, a similar misalignment of popular will and electoral results exists in the House of Representatives. Conservatives who want to claim that the…

Noem Congress Hamstrings Wildfire Prevention Budget

Uh oh: looks like Rep. Kristi Noem is going to have to ask for more federal government spending. With climate change expanding the wildfire season, Congress hasn't been allocating enough money to fight wildfires. This year the Forest Service ran…

Noem Résumé: Served in Least Productive Congress Since 1859

Dems Cooperate Better Than GOP? Wow! Send Kristi Noem to Congress, and what do you get? The least productive Congress since 1859: The only period of comparable unproductive Congresses (how I long for Congri!) was the Civil War and Reconstruction.…

Farm Bill Delay Shows Pathological GOP Partisanship, Noem Impotence

While Mr. Powers makes himself look busy posting video of Kristi Noem doing what she said she didn't go to Washington to do, farmers eagerly await our Congresswoman's delivery of real legislation, the 2012 Farm Bill. My friends at SD…

Repeal Vote #33: Noem Posing on Affordable Care Act

Kevin Woster directs our attention to yesterday's CBS report on the House GOP's latest show vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act. Speaker Boehner, Rep. Kristi Noem, and the GOP gang have spent about 80 hours on these repeal votes.…

Affordable Care Act Requires Congress to Buy Coverage on Exchanges

A Facebook friend complained that if Affordable Care Act is so great, why did Congress exempt itself from the bill? This friend cited "Page 114, Line 22" of the ACA for this exemption. Like death-panel-myth originator Betsy McCaughey, this friend's…

What Pressure? Super Committee Watches Football, Produces No Plan

A fat lot of good Rep. Kristi Noem's "pressure" did: while the deadline loomed, the deficit reduction "super committee" watched football: On Thursday night, wearing a baseball cap and jeans, Camp retreated to Penn Quarter Sports Tavern with Rep. Ander…