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Posts tagged as “conservatives”

Right Disappears, Mainstream Turns Secular and Liberal… and Then I Woke Up South Dakota. Gordon Howie's Potemkin blog village burbles up more counterfactual groaning from the practically anonymous yet consistently muddle-headed "Brad Ford": Conservatives have been forced leftward too. The right has disappeared... [Brad Ford, "Are Conservative Blogs Needed Now More…

Tea Party Turns Stale, Consigns Self to Nut-Flavored Fringe

Here's welcome news for lovers of sanity in politics: President Barack Obama and some better-late-than-never Republicans are washing the Tea Party down the drain: The Tea Party might not be over, but it is increasingly clear that the election last…

No Hope for Conservatives: Even Howie Backs Corporate Welfare for Big Oil

In the Conservative-Only-When-We-Want-to-Be Department, Gordon Howie proves that even the arch-est conservative caves to crony-corporate the 1%'s objectives. He calls on Washington to protect tax subsidies for Big Oil and protection for corporations shipping operations overseas: Recently, a group of…

Hard Sell for Ballot Measures: Mapping Classical Conservatism by County

In classical political parlance, liberals favor change, while conservatives prefer to stick with the status quo. Let's apply that oversimplification to how South Dakota voted this week on ballot issues. Given four amendments, two referenda, and one initiated measure, we…

Right-Wing Radicals Acknowledge Tea Party Impotence, Dang America to Heck

Mitt Romney is shellshocked, largely because of the standard GOP affliction of denying reality and listening only to their own bubble. Also bubbling with shellshock are Gordon Howie's dispirited right-wingers. Brad Ford calls Obama's America a cancer, declares the Tea…

President Obama Wins on Demographics; Tea Party Doomed

I was ready to go to school today and recognize Mitt Romney's victory by playing for my students videos of Romney speaking French. How better to inspire students to learn a language than to show their President's fluency therein? Now…