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Posts tagged as “corporate welfare”

SD Chamber of Commerce Logic: Unnecessary Incentives Necessary

David Owen, president of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce, visits the Yankton Elks to agitate in favor of Governor Daugaard's corporate welfare policies. He tries to defend tax refunds to big companies with this comment on the revenues we…

Allen Sees Conflict of Interest for City Commissioners on LAIC Handouts

...and you can see and Feel the Surge(!!!) of the "Forward Madison 2" launch... My neighbor Ashley Kenneth Allen attended the Lake Area Improvement Corporation's dog and pony show promoting its "Forward Madison 2" economic development initiative, which is counting…

States Sacrifice $43 Billion Each Year to Futile Corporate Tax Breaks

The official corporate federal income tax rate in America is 35%. But corporations like Mitt Romney (corporations are people, so people are corporations, right?) often pay an effective tax rate less than 15%. Corporations get a similar break on state…

Kirkeby, Venner Wage Class Warfare with Welfare Drug-Testing Proposal

South Dakota Republicans continue to wage class warfare. Rep. Mark Kirkeby (R-35/Rapid City) wants to try again at requiring welfare recipients to take drug tests. Rep. Kirkeby proposed such a bill last year; it failed in the House 26-42. Rep.…

Daugaard to Spend December Bribing California Businesses

As the snow starts to fly, Governor Dennis Daugaard is getting ready to fly south... as is a chunk of our tax dollars. Right after the Western Governors' Association meeting in Palm Springs December 7 and 8, Governor Daugaard heads…