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Posts tagged as “dairy”

The Minor Revenge of Representative Stace Nelson

Just the fact that Rep. Stace Nelson (R-25/Fulton) still has "Rep." in front of his name could be considered a minor victory for the massive, much-maligned Marine from Fulton. The GOP leadership stripped Rep. Nelson of his seat on the…

Daugaard Dairy Focus Alienates West River, Employs Illegal Immigrants

Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to push the big dairy industry along the I-29 corridor. In Pierre's constant focus on pouring state and foreign money into East River dairies (quite the government intrusion in the free market, don't you think?), Rep.…

Big Dairy Concentrates Cattle and Ownership

Tom Lawrence at the Mitchell Daily Republic launches a five-part series on South Dakota's dairy industry with this report on industry trends. The series is of particular interest to Hanson County residents, who may find themselves hosting a 7000-head dairy…

GOP Booting Nelson from Ag Committee: Punishment for Dairy Opposition?

Representative Stace Nelson dropped by the blog yesterday and commented that he'd had "a rotten day." What the... oh, that: Representative Stace Nelson, who lives just outside of Mitchell in Hanson County, says he is being moved off the House…

Raw Milk Selling Well in Spearfish

In June 2009, I expressed the disgust I share with Belle Fourche dairy man John Habeck about how the state, the banks, and the dairy industry have left small dairies for dead. Industry advocates like Vale-gone-Faulkton rancher Troy Hadrick have…

Hanson County Citizens Oppose 7000-Head CAFO

Lake County residents don't cotton to my criticism very well, but many of them seem willing to acquiesce to the unhealthy environmental and economic practices of Rick Millner as he seeks to expand the Ramona dairy his pals acquired for…