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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard Serves Word-Chicken Salad on Powertech

Trembling before Susan Wismer's whelming victory in Tuesday's Democratic gubernatorial primary, Governor Dennis Daugaard has decided to adopt her agnosticism on uranium mining in the Black Hills and put it in a prom dress: If you feel strongly about Powertech,…

Daugaard: No New Taxes? Did I Say That?

Governor Dennis Daugaard just spotted his opponents five points. Maybe ten. In 2010, candidate Dennis Daugaard promised no new taxes: A recession is not the time to raise taxes. I will not raise taxes as governor. I will not support…

Lowe, Rhoden, Hubbel: Madville Times Readers Favor the Underdogs

Oh, you crazy readers! The latest Madville Times polls asked you to vote for your favorites in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, the Republican Senate primary, and the Republican gubernatorial primary. I asked the questions in that order, and I present…

Daugaard, Noem, Johnson, Thune Complicit in EB-5 Wind Farm Scheme

Jonathan Ellis has a treasure trove of documents from the U.S. Customs and Immigrations Service exposing the corruption in South Dakota's EB-5 visa investment program. Last week Ellis found the connection between EB-5 and Keystone XL. Yesterday, Ellis revealed similar…

Your Choice in November: Medicaid Expansion or Daugaard Death Panel

Michael Larson reads NPN's report that the PPACA Medicaid expansion could save 38 to 95 South Dakotans' lives, uses the word deontological, and declares Dennis Daugaard a death panel of one. Brilliant! The Governor's decision to not expand Medicaid fails…

Lowe: Legislative and Executive Inattention to EB-5 “Inexcusable”

Democratic candidate for governor Joe Lowe thinks the EB-5 scandal is worth talking about in the gubernatorial race as well as the Senate race. In his latest press release, Lowe calls it "inexcusable" that the Legislature is ignoring its duty…

Lowe Criticizes GOP Regime on Medicaid, Education, EB-5, Business

Joe Lowe has one more day to campaign unchallenged before Sue Wismer shoves the last tax return from her Britton desk and launches her campaign juggernaut campaign for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. How's Lowe spending that precious time? Traveling to…