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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Pink on Motivation: Teacher Bonus Bill Won’t Work!

My Yankton friends cited Daniel Pink on the science of motivation early in the debate over the merits of Governor Dennis Daugaard's plan to wreck public schools with ineffective merit pay. I posted this animation of Pink's basic pitch: the…

Daugaard Not Conservative, Contend 2014-Minded Howie Pals

Ed Randazzo flogs the "Primary for Daugaard!" meme that his blog boss, Gordon "Potemkin" Howie has been stoking for over a year. Much to my surprise, Randazzo makes a cogent case that Governor Dennis Daugaard is not a conservative. Randazzo's…

Daugaard Hubris Leads to Counterproductive Senate Endorsements

Bad news for my enemies is good news for my friends? (Expect someone to critique my use of "enemies".) Governor Dennis Daugaard's interference in the Republican primaries was a net waste of gubernatorial political capital. The Governor picked favorites in…

Daugaard Tinkles on Phil Jensen Donation to SDGOP

Rep. Phil Jensen is not a happy camper. On May 25th, the District 33 Rapid City Republican lobbed some pretty harsh words at Governor Dennis Daugaard, who has endorsed his challenger, Mike Buckingham, for the District 33 Senate primary: "What's…

Team Otten Wrong on All Counts about Daugaard Primary Endorsements

Republican Ernie Otten has not suffered the indignity of his Republican Governor and Republican Secretary of State endorsing his Republican opponent in his Republican primary race. (His campaign has enjoyed the indignity of out-district PACs sending flyers filled with lies…

Daugaard Opposition to Gay Marriage Rankles Deaf GLBT Activists

Journalistic machine David Montgomery beats me to the punch on some surprising backlash against Governor Dennis Daugaard from some deaf activists. The National Association of the Deaf invited Governor Daugaard to speak at their national conference this July on how…