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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Comparing Daugaard and Obama on Afghanistan Outfits: Who Needs a Uniform?

A couple weeks ago, we discussed the appropriateness of Governor Dennis Daugaard's donning of military duds during his April visit to Afghanistan. My reasonable commenters offered protocol and security justifications for our civilian Governor to appear in official military gear…

Daugaard Education Reforms Align with “Toxic Trifecta”

Bruce D. Baker of the National Education Policy Center writes about what he calls the "Toxic Trifecta" of education reforms involving high-stakes teacher evaluation systems. The items on the list should sound awfully familiar to South Dakotans debating Governor Dennis…

Daugaard in Uniform: Got a Problem with That?

In our discussion of the odd policy decision by the Daugaard Administration to scale back the portfolio of the Lieutenant Governor position based on a personal decision by the current holder of the job, a minor kerfuffle erupts over Dennis…

Daugaard, Governors: Free Market Bad, Pink Slime Good!

Update 15:48 MST: I stand corrected by my attentive commenters. Governor Daugaard is still away in China, likely assuring our Eastern overlords that he will continue to advocate for the Keystone XL pipeline, which will help China get more North…