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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Gov. Dayton Shows Gov. Daugaard Proper Priorities: Education First!

Governor Dennis Daugaard opens the 2015 Session of the South Dakota Legislature on Tuesday, January 13, with his State of the State Address. Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota delivered his inaugural address Monday in St. Paul, the day before the…

Daugaard: Science Says Vaccines Safe; Get Your Measles Shots!

Let me give credit where credit is due. Governor Dennis Daugaard has dedicated his first column of the new year to telling the anti-vaccine crowd that the resurgence of measles is their fault, that they are wrong on science and…

Daugaardonomics Producing Lower Sales Tax Growth Than Roundsonomics

The South Dakota Retailers Association lists monthly sales tax revenue reports from January 2004 up to October 2014. According to those numbers, monthly sales tax receipts decreased over the corresponding month in the previous year in 5 out of 46…

Alaska and Tennessee Governors Recognize Wisdom of Expanding Medicaid

Governor Dennis Daugaard is lining up millions of dollars to expand vo-tech scholarships and railroads. He still hasn't announced his willingness to spend a fraction of such money to expand Medicaid. Alaska's new Independent Governor Bill Walker is not so…

Sanford to Spot Millions for State Workforce Initiative

So that's why Governor Dennis Daugaard didn't include a big workforce initiative in his budget proposal. He's going to do workforce development off budget with Sanford money: Gov. Dennis Daugaard and T. Denny Sanford will announce a multi-million dollar partnership…

Liberal Arts Degrees Lead to Rotten Jobs… in Daugaard Administration

Maybe Dennis Daugaard is right: getting a liberal arts degree dooms graduates to crappy jobs... in the Daugaard Administration. A friend of the blog sifted through public records for information about the educational background of various officials in South Dakota…