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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard Vetoes Billboard Bill; Implications for Law Abortion Amendments?

Yesterday Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed Senate Bill 157, legislation sponsored by Senator Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) to help Daktronics sell more electronic billboards and muck up the view in Rapid City. I note with glee the Governor's willingness to tell both…

Daugaard Signs Education Reform Bill; Not a Teacher in Sight

Governor Dennis Daugaard has a rotten sense of political theater. He has before him House Bill 1234, his signature piece of legislation for the 2012 session. He toured the state, twisted arms, and got a big win. It's time for…

Continuing Contract: Some Rights Are Bigger Than Local Control

I read some propaganda from Pierre yesterday that laid out one of the cynical arguments we will hear from Governor Daugaard and his minions to defend the end of due process protections for teachers through "continuing contract" rights. Governor Daugaard…

Displaced Plainsman Tickles Governor with Cartoon Criticism of HB 1234

The Displaced Plainsman combines Dennis Daugaard, Chris Christie, and Mr. Spock and gets this wonderful animated indict of HB 1234: Brilliant! Maybe HB 1234 referendum petition circulators should wear Spock ears....

Referendum Politics: What HB 1234 Means in the Fall Campaign

If you want to circulate petitions, visit SDEA's Facebook page and say so! They'll send you a petition packet! Let me be clear: By far, the biggest reason I'm excited about SDEA's decision to seek a referendum on HB 1234…