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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard’s Edcuation Reforms Ignore Student Achievement: The Short Form

Following is the most concise indictment of Governor Daugaard's disastrous education reform package that I can offer. If you see the Governor, or if you are looking for prefatory comments for your crackerbarrel questions, try this: Governor Daugaard, you and…

Daugaard Dairy Focus Alienates West River, Employs Illegal Immigrants

Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to push the big dairy industry along the I-29 corridor. In Pierre's constant focus on pouring state and foreign money into East River dairies (quite the government intrusion in the free market, don't you think?), Rep.…

HB 1234: With Compromise Like This, Who Needs Autocracy?

Teachers stood out in the cold this morning in Sioux Falls to protest HB 1234, the train wreck of education "reforms" that Republican groupthink in Pierre wants to foist on South Dakota's K-12 system, against all evidence of what actually…

$8000 Bonus for New Math/Science Teachers? Wrong on Every Level

Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to demonstrate the absolute absence of principle or consistency in his education reforms. In the new "compromise" version of HB 1234 (wait: compromise? how is it compromise when the Governor keeps every one of his bad…

Bonus Pay Alone Does Not Improve Student Outcomes

I will keep shouting this until Governor Dennis Daugaard and the Legislature listen: teacher bonuses don't improve academic achievement: As two recent studies suggest, paying teachers bonuses doesn't appear to lead to higher student achievement. Yes, teachers would love a…

Daugaard Still Wrong: Research Shows Merit Pay Effects “Minimal”

Market Incentives Also Fail to Stanch Teacher Shortages The Associated School Boards of South Dakota issue "Teacher Quality, Teacher Compensation, and HB 1234," a policy brief summarizing and reviewing research related to Governor Dennis Daugaard's proposals for selective merit pay,…

Madville Times Poll: 59% Say Raise Pay for All Teachers

The results of the latest Madville Times poll reflect the sentiments of legislators East River and West: Governor Dennis Daugaard's education reform package is going nowhere in its current form. I posed you this question: "Gov. Daugaard says we have…