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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

HB 1234: Governor Daugaard’s Merit Bonus Plan in Writing

Thar she blows! House Bill 1234 puts Governor Dennis Daugaard's really bad education reform ideas on paper for the South Dakota Legislature to debate and (please, please, please) kill. The details: $3980 bonus to every high school and middle school…

State Increases Employee-Citizen Ratio Faster Than K-12 Schools Do

In selling his merit bonus plan and other plans to hobble help public education, Governor Dennis Daugaard has been touting his statistics on employment in our public K-12 public school system: In 1971, South Dakota had 173,006 students, 8,452 certified…

Author of Proposed Teacher Evaluation Framework Uneasy about Merit Pay

A key component of Governor Daugaard's education reform plan is the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching. Governor Daugaard plans to spend millions to train educators in the Danielson framework, then require school districts statewide to use that framework in evaluating…

Daugaard Rejects Mandates and Top-Down Approach to Education least he did in 2010: Leadership is not about mandates and it is not about a top-down approach. A good leader is first a good listener. Together, we will agree upon our common goals and develop new approaches to…

K-12 Payrolls Grow on Special Needs, Title IX, State Graduation Requirements

Chuck Clement, Vince Schaefer, and Sharon Knowlton make themselves useful and help me deflate Governor Dennis Daugaard's nonsense. A cornerstone of Governor Daugaard's proposal to impose more testing, pit teachers against each other in competition for merit bonuses, and eliminate…