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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard’s Merit Bonus Scheme Violates Teacher Code of Ethics

Dear readers, if you think I'm spending too much time tearing apart Governor Dennis Daugaard's teacher merit bonus plan, I apologize. But in the words of our Vice-President, Governor Daugaard's plan is "a big f---ing deal!" It's big, it's bad,…

Daugaard’s Merit Pay Plan: Divide and Conquer

My fellow teacher at The Displaced Plainsman recognizes what's really up behind Governor Dennis Daugaard's merit bonus proposal: it's an effort to divide and conquer us teachers. Governor Daugaard said that the key to promoting excellence in teaching is to…

Daugaard on Education: Testing, Testing, Testing…

Governor Dennis Daugaard thinks South Dakota needs more effective teachers. Wait, edit that: he definitely doesn't want more teachers who are effective. He wants teachers who are more effective. If that's really what the Governor wants, then why would he…

Daugaard: One Third of South Dakota Teachers = Government Bloat

I'm the French teacher at Spearfish High School. Governor Dennis Daugaard apparently considers the work I do for the taxpayers superfluous. Or if not my job, he appears to consider at least 3,000 of my colleagues in K-12 education dead…

Howie Goes McCarthy, Implicates Governor in Legislative Ethics Scandal

It's one thing for tax cheat and conservative mischief-maker Gordon Howie to use the brewing Legislative ethics controversy to foment primary (or third-party?) challenges to legislators failing his Christian purity test. It's another to try to drag Governor Dennis Daugaard…

Daugaard Budget Treads Water on K-12 Education

Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget address put Doug Wiken to sleep. I made it through the replay, but it didn't contain a lot of big waker-uppers. That's good and bad. We heard no jarring whackings of the meat ax that decimated…

Governor Daugaard’s “New Norm”: He Meant What He Said

Governor Dennis Daugaard presents his budget address to the Legislature in Pierre this afternoon. I'll be at work, missing the governor's pronouncements in favor of my students' French pronunciation. At work, I'll also be facing a 5.6% increase in my…