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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

$360K Donation Saves Brookings Gifted Program, Orchestra, Three Jobs

This just in from a Brookings listener: Brookings Radio reports an anonymous donor has given the Brookings School District $360,000 to offset some of the $903,000 reduction in state education aid for the coming school year. Superintendent Roger DeGroot says…

Do State-Mandated Anti-Abortion Counselors Need Certification?

The World Net Daily theocracy propaganda machine is celebrating Governor Dennis Daugaard's apparently likely signature on HB 1217, the coercive counseling bill to stop abortion in South Dakota (and yes, even Senator Russell Olson admits HB 1217 is about stopping…

Daugaard Thinking About Signing Forced Abortion Counseling

Think hard, Dennis.... Governor Dennis Daugaard says he's "inclined to sign" HB 1217, the abortion coercive-counseling and three-day-wait bill that cleared the South Dakota Senate yesterday: I think the merits of the bill are in their encouragement to women, especially…

HB 1230: Would Corporations Get Welfare from Jesus?

Let's mingle the secular and the sacred on the budget today, shall we? HB 1230 comes before Senate State Affairs this morning. This bill permanently diverts 22% of the contractors' excise tax to corporate welfare, handouts to wealthy businesses that…

HB 1229: Senate Education Rebuffs Governor, Keeps Minimum School Size

Either Governor Daugaard wasn't terribly wedded to this proposal, or four Senators just dropped off the Daugaard Christmas list. Governor Daugaard sought to soothe the blow of cutting state K-12 aid 10% with the at least philosophical palliative of repealing…

Govs to Feds: Leave Wrecking Recovery to Us

Perry Groten reports that Governor Dennis Daugaard and his chums at the National Governors' Association meeting in Washington, D.C., are warning Congress not to gum up the works of the economic recovery: At their annual winter meeting in the nation's…

SB 133 Kicks Budget Deficit One Month Down the Road

Maybe Governor Dennis Daugaard doesn't quite own the Legislature as I suggested Monday. One possible counterexample: Senate Bill 133. Governor Daugaard has insisted that we fix South Dakota's structural deficit this year, in one shot, with no one-time money. But…