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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

HB 1243: Daugaard Raises Bar to Local Education Funding

Up until now, Governor Dennis Daugaard and his fellow Republicans have taken the rather inconsistent buck-passing position that the state can't justify raising taxes to pay for education but that local districts are free to raise their levies if they…

Daugaard Budget Means Madison HS Gym and Renovation Must Wait

Following is the text of a letter I have submitted for publication to the Madison Daily Leader. The hyperlinks, alas, will not appear in the MDL version. Dear readers, I welcome your comments below. I have read with interest the…

Dennis Daugaard: Hard to Love

Dear Governor Daugaard: I want very much to like you. Even though we disagree on policy, I hear a refreshing straightforwardness in your voice. I see a certain unaffectedness in the way you move your hands when you speak. But…

Governor Daugaard’s Paradigm: Permanent Cuts, Passing the Buck

As I listen and re-listen to the highlights of Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget address, I hear some important sentences that tell us a lot about the governor's budgetary and political paradigm. There's an odd combination of not passing the buck…

Daugaard Budget Cuts $552K from Madison Schools

Here's some quick local perspective on Governor Dennis Daugaard's proposed 10% cut in the state budget. Now note, as Governor Daugaard said during his budget address this afternoon, a 10% cut in state aid to K-12 education translates into just…

Daugaard to Recruit Illinois Tax Dodgers

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has signed into law a big increase in his state's income tax. The individual rate jumps from 3% to 5%, while the business rate rises from 4.8% to 7%. Illinois faces a budget deficit, just as…

Daugaard to DC: Keep Sending Medicaid Money While We Cut Enrollees

Speaking of puzzling positions on government-supported health care, Governor Daugaard signed a letter to President Obama with 32 other GOP governors and govs-elect asking the feds to let states cut enrollment in Medicaid. Interestingly, the governors aren't trying to save…

State of the State Reaction

A little post-game on Governor Daugaard's State of the State Address, courtesy of SDPB: Rep. Bernie Hunhoff says he was pleased with the speech: "straightforward... not a lot of gamesmanship." He does question the REDI fund boost, saying availability of…