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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

More Reversal on NBP/EB-5: Daugaard May Sue to Recoup $550K Benda Bonus

On January 16, 2014, Governor Dennis Daugaard asserted that Northern Beef Packers did nothing wrong in diverting $550,000 of a $1,000,000 state grant to Richard Benda and SDRC Inc. Attorney General Marty Jackley stunningly reversed that official position on July…

Susan Wismer on Fire: New Democrat Goes on Offense at Dakotafest

This is the Sue Wismer we've been waiting for. This is the Sue Wismer who would have beaten Joe Lowe by 30 points. This is the Sue Wismer who can beat Dennis Daugaard. South Dakota's three gubernatorial candidates debated in…

Tea Party Unique in Rating Noem’s Job Performance Above Daugaard’s: Why?

Nielson Brothers Polling unearths another anomaly in the thinking of South Dakota voters. Their July 23–28 survey of voters found that Governor Dennis Daugaard enjoys more support than Congresswoman Kristi Noem among almost every political group: Daugaard Noem Overall Job…

Four SD Newspapers Agree: State, GOP Should Answer GOED/EB-5/Benda Questions

Want more answers on the GOED/EB-5/Benda scandal? So do South Dakota's newspapers. Four—four!—big dailies across the state say the Legislature is not faithfully executing its charge to investigate the strange shuffling of EB-5 visa investment money that resulted in a…

NBP: Majority Back Daugaard, Don’t Recognize Wismer

Northern Plains News rolls out the latest results of an extensive Nielson Brothers Polling survey of South Dakota. In South Dakota's gubernatorial race, Democratic Rep. Susan Wismer faces a daunting climb to have a shot at unseating Republican Governor Dennis…

Daugaard Raises False Fears of 21 Child Refugees Placed in South Dakota

We all fled here from somewhere. According to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the federal government placed 30,340 immigrant children who entered the United States without adult companions with sponsors around the country between January 1 and July 7 of…