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Posts tagged as “downtown”

Key to Madison Downtown Development: More Courtroom Drama!

A Facebook friend notes that the Dan Willard robocall trial has things hopping in Madison. The block around the courthouse was packed with cars yesterday. My friend spotted newly christened Heartland CEO and victim of terror Russ Olson at Mochavino's.…

Developing Downtown Residential Space Key to Economic Development

When we think about recruiting Minnesotans to move to South Dakota, we often think about selling Minnesota's city dwellers on the merits of rural life. Fresh air! Big skies! More chance of dying in an acc— Ahem. But that shouldn't…

Brookings Fifth-Best Small Town in America, Says

Facebook friend and Brookings product Matt Hildreth points me toward's list of the top ten small towns in America. Spearfish doesn't make the list, but the Spearfish of East River, Brookings, places fifth! Brookings might have been first if…

Ski Yankton, Dine on Meridian Bridge: Riverfront Ideas!

Madison's downtown development task force should take a look at the conversation Yankton reporter Nathan Johnson and entrepreneur Ben Hanten are promoting in Yankton. On his blog An Inland Voyage, Nathan Johnson has published three posts this week on great…

Madison Surveys Shopper Attitudes Through May 18

When you get done signing the online petitions against South Dakota's ALEC subsidies, buzz over the Madison Chamber of Commerce and give them your two cents about shopping in Madison. The Madison Downtown and Beyond Taskforce is surveying local shoppers…

LAIC Buys into Main Street Program; Madison the New India?

Two noteworthy economic developments are afoot in Madison. First, I hear from my local correspondents that Lake Area Improvement Corporation director Julie Gross has officially endorsed—i.e., spent money!—on accessing materials produced by the Main Street program. The idea of the…

Badlands Bash Sunday Afternoon at Rapid City Main Street Square

I love Rapid City's Main Street Square. It's a beautiful outdoor space. Every time I've been downtown in Rapid City, there have been people hanging out there, and usually there's been some sort of event (ice skating, farmer's market, unicycle…