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Posts tagged as “downtown”

Madison Writes “Downtown Improvement Reserve Fund” on Paper

The Madison City Commission made one more oh-so-tentative nudge toward doing something about downtown development. At their Monday meeting (recorded here on the city's YouTube channel), the commissioners decided to write a new line into the budget, the "Downtown Improvement…

Madison Needs Downtown Movies!

My neighbors Shirley Harrington-Moore and Gayle Maberry have said that Madison could improve Madison's Main Street by bringing the movie theater back downtown. Another neighbor, Ashley Kenneth Allen, is throwing a kids community movie night this week with an outdoor…

Downtown Development: LAIC Change Brings Hope!

I think we're winning... and the LAIC may help us. No, Bulldog Media has not taken over the Madville Times. I maintain the opinion that the Lake Area Improvement Corporation, Lake County's quasi-private economic development corporation, has wasted perhaps millions…

Downtown Development: Explaining Dick and Gene’s Defensiveness

As I noted in my earlier post this morning, I don't usually expect positive feedback from the Madison City Commission and the Lake Area Improvement Corporation. I'm used to hearing the defensive condescension that says, "Things are great! Madison's doing…

Madison Citizens Offer Commission Visions for Downtown Development

I think we're winning. That's a strange thing for me to say after coming home from a Madison City Commission meeting. Madison's leaders often respond to citizen input with defensive and condescending hogwash, and we heard some of that last…

Madison Main Street Matters: Citizens Speak to City Monday

It's this simple: Main Street program! The Madison City Commission meets Monday, July 16th, at 5:30 p.m. By sheer serendipity, the first three agenda items, under "Appearances, Acknowledgements, Correspondence," are the following: Ashley Allen, Eve Fisher, Gayle Maberry, Dean Kooiker,…

Madison Downtown Development Discussion Thursday 4:15: Think Hard, Think Big!

Commissioner Ericsson exhorts us to civil, respectful, intelligent conversation. In that spirit... Want to discuss downtown development? Got some ideas that the Madison City Commission didn't want to hear at last Monday's meeting? Then come chat with your neighbors tomorrow…