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Posts tagged as “downtown”

City Forbids Public Input at Meeting, Hears Thrift Committee Tap Dance

Madison City Hall hosted a stirring sight for all fans of local democracy this evening. Eager, interested citizens filled every seat in the city commission meeting room, ready to participate in an open and frank discussion of community goals and…

Vote Now: Do You Support the Million-Dollar Madison Thrift Store Proposal?

Following some hard blog coverage, lots of strong online feedback, and even criticism in the local press, Madison's community thrift store steering committee is waging the full-court press to sell their million-dollar project. Committee members Clark Sinclair, Jerry Johnson, and…

Abraham, Corbin Offer Best Hope for Madison Downtown Development

As my commenters eagerly point out, it's election day in Madison! Residents have five candidates from whom to choose for two city commission spots. From the press I enjoy from my safe vantage point in Spearfish, it strikes me that…

Candidate Abraham Challenges LAIC, Boosts Main Street, Talks to Voters

Incumbent Madison city commissioner Nick Abraham gets the last of five candidate profiles in the Madison Daily Leader. He says just enough of the right things to make me feel comfortable with my Madison neighbors re-electing him tomorrow. Commissioner Abraham…