According to the Madison Chamber of Commerce Janaury newsletter, Senator Russell Olson has joined the Chamber board. Olson says his goals while serving on the board are to increase membership and retention and to "have Madison's sales tax revenue grow…
Posts tagged as “economic development”
State Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) demonstrates his weak grasp of the Constitution, not to mention lack of South Dakota hospitality. In response to questions about an ACLU lawsuit challenging South Dakota's discriminatory restriction on non-citizens obtaining concealed weapons…
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has signed into law a big increase in his state's income tax. The individual rate jumps from 3% to 5%, while the business rate rises from 4.8% to 7%. Illinois faces a budget deficit, just as…
My neighbor Jerry Heckenliable spoke at the Madison City Commission meeting Monday night. Neither KJAM nor the Madison Daily Leader felt his comments warranted coverage. A conversation with Mr. Heckenliable persuades me that his comments do warrant coverage. Mr. Heckenliable…
Last week the New York Times ran a column from Harvard econ prof Edward Glaeser arguing that the population growth (and concomitant shift in political power) to the Sun Belt is related to regulation. But Glaeser notes that the regulation…
Incoming (that's what teachers and school boards should start shouting any time Republicans enter the room) South Dakota Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson demonstrates the warped free market fundamentalism that pollutes our public policy. At the end of the 2010…
Included on Monday night's Madison City Commission agenda is a request from the Lake Area Improvement Corporation to give us taxpayers our money back more slowly. In a memo to the commission, the LAIC asks for an extension of the…
You can't judge a building project's commitment to local economic development by its house wrap: landowner Randy Schaefer e-mails to say that the Menards house wrap on the Secure Banking Solutions building going up in his taxpayer-assisted commercial/residential development on…