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Posts tagged as “economic development”

Tidemann: Legislature Pretty Much Done Probing GOED/EB-5

Senator Larry Tidemann (R-7/Brookings) says the Government Operations and Audit Committee's probe of financial misconduct in the Governor's Office of Economic Develoment and the EB-5 visa investment program are pretty much over. Over? I didn't even notice that they'd begun.…

NY Times Finds Deadwood Confused; Build Brand on Outdoors!

Deadwood makes the New York Times... for being confused: This old Western town of gunfights and gambling is going through an identity crisis. ...“It feels more modern, a little bit more Vegas style,” said Russell Lehmbeck, 43, a tourist from…

Weiland Tells Dem Convention EB-5 Bad Policy, Vows to Repeal

If EB-5 were just a scandal involving deliberately poor government oversight, get-rich-quick schemers, and a dead former state official made fall guy, it would still be reason enough to question the Senate-worthiness of the governor who sunk South Dakota into…

Economic Gardening Works in Littleton; Grow Your Own Instead of Hunting

Civilization took a big leap forward when we moved from hunting to gardening. So can economic development. Consider Littleton, Colorado. In 1987, rocket maker Martin Marietta left town, laying off 7,800 workers. “As good a citizen as Martin Marietta was,…