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Posts tagged as “economy”

Lake County Gains 125 Jobs in February

February brought better job news for Lake County and its neighbors. According to the latest South Dakota Department of Labor statistics, Lake County gained 125 more jobs in February than it had in January. That brings our unemployment rate down…

South Dakota Income Grows 1.5%, Still Recovering from Recession

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has tallied personal income by state for 2010. The good news: everybody got richer! Well, every state did. After a really rotten 2009, which brought a 1.7% drop, states saw personal income grow in 2010…

TransCanada Responsible for High Gas Prices, But Not Its Own Oil?

Hat tip to Great Plains Tar Sands Pipelines! The South Dakota press remains silent on this story, but the Minneapolis Star-Tribune has picked up the story that TransCanada's Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline would raise fuel prices in the…

Grease up Your Bike Chain and the Local Economy!

I've been slacking off on my bicycling lately---still on honeymoon with my new Beetle. But as spring and four-dollar gasoline (small price to pay for toppling Mideast dictators and throwing al-Qaida in the dustbin of history) approach, I plan to…

Govs to Feds: Leave Wrecking Recovery to Us

Perry Groten reports that Governor Dennis Daugaard and his chums at the National Governors' Association meeting in Washington, D.C., are warning Congress not to gum up the works of the economic recovery: At their annual winter meeting in the nation's…

Sioux Falls, Rapid City Beat Recession, Grow GDP in 2009

The Bureau of Economic Analysis just released its data on gross domestic product by metropolitan area for 2009. In the year that marked the official end of the recession, 222 of the 366 metro areas surveyed still saw their straight…

HB 1223-1224: Payday Lender Bills Hit Committee Tomorrow

Father Tim reports the clever devils who don't want to confront the inconsistency of their "family values" with their support for family-wrecking payday lenders are scrambling to kill House Bills 1223 and 1224: My sources say that opponents got the…

Frankenfeld: Daugaard Budget Cuts Could Nuke 9000 Jobs

Governor Daugaard staunchly opposes raising taxes to solve South Dakota's budget deficit: I... believe that the worse [sic] time to raise taxes is when you're trying to climb out of a recession. I think that will have every bit of…