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Posts tagged as “education”

Online Poll: Vote Now: MHS New Gym/Renovation!

Hey! Click through Twitter or your RSS reader and vote in the latest Madville Times poll. I'd like to know "How will you vote on Madison's $16.98 million new gym/high school renovation bond issue?" As always, the Madville Times encourages…

Madison Central Violating State Election Law?

The more I think about Madison Central School District's proposed early voting scheme, the more uneasy I get. Beyond creating the awkwardness of voting on a new gym while surrounded by maroon-clad Bulldog basketball fans, the school district may be…

Rolling Homework: Web Buses!

I don't know if this project is a money-saver or not. But for all those kids around South Dakota with long rides to and from school, maybe we can maximize our educational impact by transforming all of our buses into…

New Gyms Sprout in Smaller Schools

The Madison Central School District may face some challenges justifying building a new gym when it is faced with the prospect of making up a 5% cut in state aid to education. Asking local voters to make up another $275K…

Spend Less on Test Prep, More on Great Books and Teachers

Governor Mike Rounds is asking for a 5% cut in state aid to K-12 education, and Governor-Elect Dennis Daugaard says he is likely to support most of the cuts in Rounds's plan. The proposed $353.6 million in state aid to…

Uncle Sam Promises $54 Million Boost for SD Universities FY2012

Please tell me Kristi Noem and John Thune won't send this money back: Governor Rounds's budget proposal has Uncle Sam giving $54 million more to South Dakota's public university system in Fiscal Year 2012. That increase is part of $248…

Proposed Education Cuts Bad for South Dakota: Who Should Pay?

What's wrong with Governor Rounds's proposed budget for education? Aside from the usual GOP view of education as expense rather than investment and a determination to cheat our kids of educational opportunities, plenty: While kids get a 5% cut, administration…